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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

against coffee?

i've managed to get though high school, college and for the past eight or so years, full time employment, without a single cup of coffee. i'll probably keep it that way. i can't really say why i don't like it, having never had more than a sip at a time. i guess i just have really bad coffee breath memories from rides to school. i think it probably has more to do with my own crabbiness than anything. i'm not too good at waiting or sharing. at work and at home there is always a coffee related mess, grounds strewn about, drip stains on the counters, or my favorite, clotted coffeed sugar in the sugar bowl. or if there isn't a bowl, there are shredded sugar packets all over the place. i know i shouldn't blame the coffee, its more the consumers' fault than anything. maybe coffee is just so awesome, you can't wait to enjoy it so you say eff the mess and leave it for someone else to clean up.

until persuaded otherwise, i prefer tea. i just need a bag, a mug, hot water and i'm done. no cream, no sugar, no waiting, no sharing, but still all of the hot black fair trade fuel to keep me going.

1 comment:

e.b. said...