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Sunday, October 26, 2008

mellow mama blues (vegan mofo day 26)

i daresay this has been the season of soup for me and will probably continue into the winter. after flipping through lots of books and photocopies i knew i would be making some manner of lentil soup, just not sure which since i didn't do the greatest grocery run this week. i nearly gave up, but decided to flip through eat, drink and be vegan and found mellow lentil "sniffle" soup. i wanted to make it sooner but did not have red lentils or curry powder on hand. i'm not sniffling nearly as much as last week but it can't hurt to try harder to keep them away.

if not for being sick i would be really ashamed to admit how much of this weekend was spent sleeping, but i think the extra rest really helped out. i'll guess find out tomorrow when i don't feel like doing a lick of work and want to crawl back into bed. other than skipping out on laundry, i feel really bad for not being able to work with my dog this past week. i know it is going to show in tomorrow's class. hopefully i can cram a quick review. i have really bad schoolnerd guilt and i hate to waste time/money. i have lots of things to make up this week, can't even start to think of pumpkin carving, but it's coming!

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