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Thursday, June 26, 2008

feel the beat from the tambourine

my niece's school had their end of year program/graduation last night. it's a great little school. her teachers are wonderful. the music was done by her teacher's son, the sound editing by her husband, and another lady came in to do the choreography. the kids recorded vocals over the music so that was what was played while they performed. how rad!

it was amazing. they performed song/dance routines to abba songs, seven total i think. the age range is maybe 4-7 years old, but they all went off. i can't really convey how awesome it was with words. i couldn't stop laughing and oh-my-god-ing, they really blew me away. when i turned to tell my mom it was the best school program i had ever been to she gave me a dirty look as if to say all of ours were crap, but i'm pretty sure they were in comparison.

as much as i loved watching my niece actually dance in one of the programs (normally just stands there being shy), the girls who did "dancing queen" pretty much owned the night. they won my heart. it was really tough to just film and not mimic their moves in the aisle like amy poehler in mean girls.

after the entertainment was a quick graduation followed by quicker pictures outside before we had to go. i wish we could have brought her home and celebrated more, but it was her dad's night. boo.

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