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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Itch and Bitch

If you remember those cartoons where they show a circus of fleas whooping it up on a dog, then you have a fairly good idea of what this week has been like for me. I have bites just about everywhere you could imagine. Apparently they have this thing for biting you in really close places like the crease of your elbow, your armpit, etc. So I was worried about other such places but so far I have been spared that. Anyhow I am too preoccupied with wanting to itch or burn it all away and grossed out by all the red spots I have which for once are not pimples, so much so that I haven't had the time or inclination to update. This is mostly so I will not let this one die like the other did.

Here are posts that could have been:

*you can take the girl out of the barrio but you can't take the barrio
out of the girl (la cricket=my mom)

*why do people have to call someone "fag" because they've been done wrong
when what they really mean to say is maybe "jerk" or "asshole"?

*why do some people have no hustle and where can I buy some for them?

*some kind of incomplete review of jacqueline susann novels

*the irony of my dry cleaning bills which more often that not amount to more
than the cost of the clothes I send to be cleaned

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