Last night we celebrated my friend E's 4th birthday. It was right after work so I did not have time to eat dinner before I got there. I was super hungry so it wasn't really a good idea for me to be surrounded by cupcakes my sister made. There was also a cake in the fridge that her boyfriend made. It came out fine but he wasn't satisfied with the decorating job so it was hiding in the fridge. I said I would try it since looks are not a factor for me when it comes to food. So many things taste much better than they look, right?
To start, I had my first cupcake and a scoop of So Delicious Neopolitan ice cream. They were both so scumptious, I had to have more. I was going to get a second cupcake but then I remembered, fridge cake! I took it out and cut into it. It was denser and firmer than the cupcakes because it had been in the fridge, I knew I was in trouble! It also had more frosting than the cupcakes, uh-oh. I quickly announced to everyone how bomb fridge cake was, so then they wanted to try it too. I knew I couldn't get away with hogging fridge cake after they knew it was so good. So, I helped myself to another cupcake and the rest of my mom's ice cream she didn't finish.
To start, I had my first cupcake and a scoop of So Delicious Neopolitan ice cream. They were both so scumptious, I had to have more. I was going to get a second cupcake but then I remembered, fridge cake! I took it out and cut into it. It was denser and firmer than the cupcakes because it had been in the fridge, I knew I was in trouble! It also had more frosting than the cupcakes, uh-oh. I quickly announced to everyone how bomb fridge cake was, so then they wanted to try it too. I knew I couldn't get away with hogging fridge cake after they knew it was so good. So, I helped myself to another cupcake and the rest of my mom's ice cream she didn't finish.
I jokingly told my sister I would take home any extras. I didn't really need to since I had thirds, but she did send me home with a cupcake and a 4" x 4" slab of fridge cake. I couldn't believe she gave me so much after I already ate so much, but 2 of the 3 kids would be gone the rest of the week and she probably didn't want all that cake at her place. See what I good sister I am to have around sometimes!
If it's possible to overdose on cake, that is exactly what I did last night. I had a terrible tummy ache, but I still stand by my story that it can be blamed on lady time more than the cake. Anyway, I had to get a picture of my leftovers today so I trimmed down my fridge cake into a nice slice, eating the not as neat parts as I went along of course. I tried to unsmoosh the cupcake while leaving it in the wrapper but that didn't work out so well. So it's a little crumby, but it's also very sweet.
Mmmmmm cake! They both look pretty delish' to me.
They were both so good!
Dessert for dinner makes perfect sense to me! Chocolate cake is the best!
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