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Monday, November 15, 2010

Vegan Mofo IV Week 3: Cheesier Said Than Done

 Last night I made "Macaroni and Cheese Soup" from Vegan Soups and Hearty Stews for All Seasons by Nava Atlas. I checked the book out last year, made copies of some recipes, and that was the end of it. I have a recipe binder project I am working on so I recently rediscovered tons of recipes I wanted to try but simply haven't. I love mac and cheese and soup, so this should be perfect, right?

I think I set the "mac and cheese" expectation a bit too high. I don't think it really tasted like any mac and cheese I've ever had, but I don't think it was supposed to. It's still a delicious soup but I would rename it "Cheesy Peas-y soup" instead. I do like the idea of using the white bean puree as a base, especially if you're making this for kids. It's a great way to sneak in protein and fiber. I put a whole bag of daiya cheddar in it, but still wanted more cheesy-ness. I added about 1/4 cup nooch and some other seasons to taste. It is definitely a mild soup, which is again, great for kids, but for adults you might want to add your own fave spices.

I'm already not the best photographer, but it was really tough to get a decent shot of this one. To make up for that, here is a cheesier photo of me with my coupon from WayFare Foods that came in the mail today (thanks to human_oven from the PPK). They make this amazing product called "We Can't Say It's Cheese" that you just have to try if you're vegan (or lactose intolerant) and used to love cheese.It's dairy, soy, and nut-free. I first tried the Hickory Cheddar in hopes it would taste like the gross bacon-cheese spray I ate back in 6th grade. It was better. Next I tried the Cheddar spread, which might have survived for three days, maximum. I will have to try the other varieties and report back soon.

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