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Thursday, October 13, 2005


I think I need to learn to type again.

I always think I can type fairly fast and rather well, until I take any sort of practice typing test and prove otherwise.

I make fun of my mom and sister's typing "skills" and how this has possibly held them back in regard to job opportunities. I joke that they should buy a typing program and practice at home. Well now it is not so funny and I am thinking of purchasing such a program for myself. I'm not even going to pridefully hide behind the pretense that it is for them. I need to learn to type...again.

I took some funky typing elective in high school. I wrote many a paper in college. I make a hideous amount of internet postings. I type a lot, just not for reals, if that makes any sense.

I know the keyboard and all of that, but I can't type without looking. I don't look at the keys, but I do look at the screen to see what I am typing. So of course that leads to an abundance of backspacing, which would still make me bomb a test of any sort. I want to be like one of those totally rad old school typing pool laides who can type and talk to you at the same time and have no errors and good speed, but with better pay and other skills and all that sort of thing.

I think where I mess up is to think of the whole word I am trying to type instead of just focusing on one letter at a time. I don't know if that is it or maybe if I am just trying so hard to be little miss keyboard queen that I screw up.

asdf jkl;

It's a start.

1 comment:

e said...

it's wierd. now that i type at my office all the time, i'm a freaking whiz, but before this i was like Miss Remedial Mavis Beacon, for reals