If you're pie-shy, you will have to get a copy of Vegan Pie In the Sky and get over it. Before the book came out, I hadn't attempted pies in about ten years because the few attempts I made ended in failure. Now I am well on my way to becoming a pie professional. What I'm most excited about is that the substitutions for pie are much easier than for cupcakes or cookies, so it's even easier to trick and appease omni's now. My mom is totally sold on vegan pies, which is great because as amazing as they are, the other baked goods were a hard sell. Now I know I don't have to eat a whole pie by myself, even though I could if I had to.
I made "She's My Cherry Pie" and the "Chocolate Mousse Tart". They both turned out lovely. Now that I had the correct pan my tart shell turned out just right. I still have to master pressing it into the pan more evenly, but that will come with time. For the cherry pie, I did get crazy with the cutters, so I know to ease up on that for next time. Also, for the first time, I broke the rules and did not trim my crust before crimping it, so it got too crispy. I flaked it off and still had a decent amount of crust, but I definitely learned my lesson.
I can't wait to make more pies from this book. I am thinking of doing the Strawberry Rhubarb Crumb Pie next, but I haven't seen rhubarb at the stores so I might have to do strawberry hand pies instead. That would be the perfect excuse to use the mini lattice pie mold I found at TJ Maxx a month ago. Save room for pie!
I put VPITS (haha!) on my wish list for our Secret Santa at work so I'm hoping my SS will come through! Both pies look yummy! Love the little hearts too! Pie after breakfast just sounds awesome.
I really hope you get it. You will love it.
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