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Wednesday, December 03, 2008


i am a total goodreads poseur. first ms. esme and now ms. jessica. while obsessively checking my email to see if any of my hold requests had come in (nope!), i got a g.r. update about this year i will.... why have i never read this book? every year is the year i will, but i don't. maybe now i actually will. i'm going for eight of the nine little buttons on the cover. well maybe only seven, i don't have to fall in love just yet. i'd like to pay my student loans down first.

thank goodness my nearest branch had a copy and it wasn't checked out. i jotted down the call number and booked it down there at lunch. i was going to be in and out and on my way, but as always i had to check out the "friends" shelf near the circ desk. could i be any luckier? i got i know why the caged bird sings, woman hollering creek, beverly cleary (twayne's series) and looking for mr. goodbar. the one day i didn't bring a bag i have quite a haul. i was walking back to work with books in both hands like i was leslie sansone taking it to the streets.

i started working on the walking mix today, not as easy to remember the pavement pounding playlist when you're sitting down.

1 comment:

e.b. said...

you are not a poseur! the whole point of good reads is to share the wealth!