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Thursday, November 15, 2007

cuckoo for coupons (and caprons)

today was the second time i was sucked into the borders rewards vortex, or the call of the coupons, or whatever you would like to call it. the first time was about three weeks ago.

i had a coupon for 20% off and i was pinching pennies as i was due to go on vacation very soon. i thought i would go buy the new thurston moore so i could "study" before the show on the following tuesday. back in the day i was all about "studying" for shows so i could be prepared...neeeeeeeeerrrrrddd.

i was on a mission. i got to the store and found the cd right away. i had never purchased music there before and did not know you could scan the barcode of the cd and hear song samples, rad! i "sampled" thurston moore even though i knew i was going to buy it. i also looked around to find more sounds to sample in order to make the most of my 20% off. spend more to save more, nope, still doesn't make sense. i stumbled upon a 2 for $22 section where i could only really find one that i wanted, even then it was just to replace a cd that had been through the wringer. i kept trying to find another one but couldn't talk myself into it, so i ended up spending almost two hours in the store and walking out with nothing, which is amazing.

today i had another coupon and a hankering for a cookbook. it was for 30% off with a $10.00 purchase. i figured i would get the discount on the cookbook and then get another fun book in the ten dollar range, sounds good, right?

i find the cookbooks as well as an associate who asks if i need help. do i, the girl who cut her teeth on the library of congress cataloging system need help navigating your bookstore? surely you jest.

playing it cool, i ask about the categories. before she could point, i already spy "vegetarian" out of the corner of my eye. i felt like the scene in clerks with the "new releases" sign glaring at me. i start looking for my book but the category sign is actually off by a row so i am looking in the wrong spot, which i would have noticed after trying to find the alpha author, but of course ms. helpful comes and tells me i need to move over about three feet to find what i want. thankfully. i see it, right away, veganomicon.

i pluck it from the shelf and make a big show to let her know i found what i needed and i am not an idiot and she can go help some other poor soul now. maybe if your shelves were as well organized as YRL's I would have found it right away, kidding! the funny part is i have never bought a cookbook in a bookstore. i have lots from thrift stores, yard sales, online shoppings and gifts, but i have never really looked for one until today.

i was somewhat overwhelmed by the 'nomicon so i started looking for something a little less intense to ease my way back into the kitchen. i must have spent almost two hours there, but this time i did not leave emptyhanded. i succumbed to the power of the 'nomicon and also picked up the joy of vegan cooking which is going to change my life forever, at least i hope it will. there are so many promising pages that i can't wait to dig into. results and recipes to follow!

p.s. i am going to need a capron really soon if this keeps up.

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