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Monday, March 07, 2005

rock it till the wheels fall off

I got my first pair of rollerskates at Zody's in something like second grade because Raquel Cortez invited me to her party at Skate Depot. They were just like the ones my neighbor had, white with a turquoise velcro fastener instead of laces, very cool. I did some makeshift practicing up and down the sidewalk in front of my house in the days leading up to the party. I remember finally getting it together and hearing "West End Girls" play as I set out to skate "for reals" with all the other kids.

Years later, not much has changed. I still skate within one hand's reach of the wall. I can't stop for shit, and I almost mow down some four year old each time I go. I do two laps at most before I exit the rink by slamming myself into a wall to slow down. Then of course I skate really well on the carpet since the wheels don't roll as much.

This girl at my work has been going skating and we're sort of like 6th grade lunch buddies right now so we are going to take classes together and start some kind of mini skate crew. I bought skates at lunch today and tried them out in the office really quickly after lunch. I decided to test them out in the front yard at home, still in my work clothes and trying not to laugh or fall too much. I am supposed to go skating at the park during lunch, I have to warn my friend that she might fall from laughing so hard at my "skating". I know if I wasn't going to take lessons I would not have committed to buying skates but hopefully I'll learn to at least skate a little further from the wall or at least stop properly.

Paging Vaughan Mason

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